Thursday, September 1, 2011

Catch a Playa by the Toe...

I have a man problem.

Of course, since I’m so extraordinarily beautiful (BBM winky face), it’s only natural that I have to fight off the men folk approximately every 94 seconds.

Actually, I guess I have 2 man problems.

Lately, I’ve noticed that as soon as I stop being involved with one guy, I get involved with someone else. And by soon, I mean soon. Like in a matter of days.

It’s not like I do it consciously, though. I’m by no means one of those girls that are dependent on a man to make them happy.

Well, at least I think I’m not. The problem is, I haven’t really had the chance to be by myself and find out if that’s the case.

But I have tried.

Recently, one of my linesisters and I decided that we were going to go on a man cleanse. No dates, no giving out our numbers, no romantic encounters of any kind with the opposite sex. Just us and Jesus for three whole months. Unfortunately, we decided to embark on this mission the week before the Omega Psi Phi Centennial was here in DC.

Needless to say, our man cleanse lasted for a grand total of 5 days.

Although the man cleanse was extremely short-lived, I did learn a few valuable lessons from my time of reflection.

Lesson #1: You always want what you can’t have.

The first thing I noticed was that the very next day after I publicly declared my man cleanse via Twitter, men literally started coming out the woodworks. The guy I was talking to at the time was obviously less than thrilled about me taking myself off the market, but then other guys who I hadn’t spoken to in quite some time, and even a few new ones, started popping up all over the place! My “Closed for Business” sign might as well have read “Grand Reopening.” The thirst was all too real.

Although, it could have also had something to do with the fact that I got my new 24” Indian Remy installed around that time. Nwords just lose their minds when they see all this extra fineness in these streets!

Stuntin’ is a habit. Get like me.


Lesson #2: I suck at dating.

Granted, I’m still very young and I have plenty of time to find “The One,” (although if you ask some of my family, I should already be halfway towards the altar) but there are some dating patterns that I need to fix immediately if I want any chance of being in a long-lasting relationship in the future. 

The main revelation I stumbled upon was that I tend to date beneath me, for lack of a better phrase.  I’ve been well aware for some time now that I’m the greatest person to currently walk the earth, so understandably it’s hard for me to find someone that’s actually on my level. But that doesn’t mean that I should settle for guys who don’t even realize how much of a privilege it is for me to even look in their direction, much less be with them. When I’m with someone, I always treat them like a king, thus I shouldn’t tolerate being treated like anything less than a queen.

Apparently this whole dating beneath me revelation wasn’t news to anyone else (I believe the exact words of both my LS and one of my former roommates were, “umm… duh! I could’ve told you that a long time ago!), but I guess I just had to figure that out for myself. Moving forward, I don’t think I’ll put myself in the same predicaments now that my tolerance for male nonsense has significantly diminished. Quality over quantity is definitely my new motto. Like my momma always says; when you know better, you do better.

And to be honest, I think I’m doing better already ;)

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